Monday, July 16, 2012

This is what happens when you have too much Bob Marley Relax Iced Tea before bed

Those of you who know me, know that I dream a lot.  Mostly nightmares, but sometimes not.  I dream so vividly, that I can feel things, smell things, dream in color and often know I'm dreaming while the dream is going on.  Lots of times, I have recurring dreams.  So here is one for those of you who like to interpret dreams or just don't want to feel like you are all alone out there with weirdness!

In the early morning hours, between 5:30 and 8:00 a.m. (I looked at the clock a few times) I dreamt I was in a big church with my mom, who passed away when I was 27, and my youngest daughter who is in her late 20's now.  Turns out we were looking at the church for the possibility of holding a wedding there - my wedding. 

This is where I first got disoriented because I tried to tell my mom and daughter I WAS already married, but they would not hear of it.  We toured the church and I vividly saw my self humoring them, going through the motions thinking how fun it would be to have another wedding, party and dress and all.

We walked from one part of the church, directly into a room full of ladies who happened to be girls from my high school days.  Not really my friends, but girls I knew.  I was suddenly aware that this was a bridal shower for me and one of the girls in charge was also confused.  She thought the shower was for someone else, but was going to be a good sport and let me be the "bride" at the event.  No one else seemed confused, and my mom and daughter thought this was all going as planned.

Suddenly, I was being rushed out of the room as it was made known to me that I was late for dressing for the wedding.  Rushing out of the room, I found myself alone in a department store/country club, with two male friends, one from my past and one from my present, who were assigned to get me to the church on time - so to speak.  We were literally running up the down escalators with heavy old suitcases filled with my gown and honeymoon attire.  My mom and daughter were no where to be seen.

Suddenly, we were lost.  And I discovered my gown was hanging out of the suitcase getting escalator grease all over it.  I discovered the guys were clueless and starting to get upset.  I called my mom and she talked to them giving them instructions on how to help me get ready for the wedding.

Suddenly - as all dreams do, there is never a smooth transition to any scenes - I found myself in an elegant, all wooden hallway of the "Club" and popped into my room with only minutes to spare to get made up and dressed for the wedding.  My mom was calling frantic that I'd be late, yet my male companions were of little help. 

My make up was running from the heat and I discovered they had packed all the wrong stuff.  While I was trying to make THEM comfortable, I kept calling for my daughter to help and suddenly all hell broke lose in the corner.

Looking over to the corner of the room, I found a baby elephant (yep - I think this is where the Bob Marley Tea comes into play) that was sent to me as a wedding gift.  The baby was frantic and running all over and the guys were nearly berserk.  I told them to get the baby out ASAP because it had to poop (oh yeah, I know this is weird) and it had to go outside.

The guys thought I was insane and they could not understand how I knew the baby had to go, and on top of that, they could not find the door.  Finally, half in my dirty gown, makeup running, I hit a button on the wall that lifted the entire wall like a garage door and the little elephant went tearing out, trailing two men on a leash behind it. 

As I watched, the elegant hallway gave way to being outdoors and the baby found some gravel in the shade to do it's business.  The look of relief on it's face was endearing and the guys were in shock that the entire wall opened up and the outdoors magically appeared.

I woke at that point, exhausted from the dream, hoping for another few minutes of sleep - but the phone rang and I had to get going.

I think this is what happens when you can't sleep and mix the Bob Marley tea with the melatonin tablets!  Your dream analysis is more than welcome!




  1. Are you smoking the tea or drinking it???? I am exhausted just reading about your dream

  2. LOL! Just drinking it. Can't even get that reaction out of me when I smoke a cigar and have a martini!
