Friday, June 1, 2012

No sewing MoJo today

though the day isn't over yet, I doubt if I'll keep my promise to myself to sew something every single day. I did go buy some tension shower curtain rods to put in the unused doorway of my sewing room so I can use them to drape fabric over, instead of folding and stacking it. This is a new situation, since I came home from NYC with some leather skins and some fancy pre pleated designer fabric that should be rolled and not folded, and I had no clue how to manage that. At first, I considered buying a drying rack (stand that is used for hand wash dry flat laundry) but noticed the hanging rods were quite small, plus they took up a lot of floor space and it is likely I'll always have some sort of delicate fabrics around so I needed a better solution. There stood the empty, unused doorway and the idea popped into my head! I'll go give it a try and post a photo if it works. If it doesn't, that loud whining sound you'll hear will be me...

1 comment:

  1. Those are some nice swag items! Anytime you can walk away with a penguin and an iPod case, you know it's a good event.

    I'm usually stuck with a pen or squishy stress ball...
